Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Aerosol & Jell
Both spray like a liquid, but set up as a gel

How to Use Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell Spray:
- Spray, mop or brush product onto the area to be cleaned.
- Allow to penetrate for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Flush away loosened deposits with a pressure spray of water.
- Scrubbing with a stiff brush will speed removal of heavy accumulations.
- Rinse sprayers or other application equipment immediately after use.
- On plastics, test this product in an inconspicuous area before use.
How to Use Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell Aerosol:
- Spray evenly on surface, then rinse off after a few minutes.
- Repeat if necessary.
- Contains 70% d-Limonene to remove tough grease and oil
- Aerosol sprays like liquid, sets up like a gel / Spray has clinging formula which means no waste from run-off
- Clings to vertical surfaces
- Effectively removes tough soils including tar, pitch, asphalt and roofing compounds
- Easily flushes off with hot or cold water
- Deodorizes as it cleans
Ideal For Use On:
- Roofing tools and forms
- Masonry
- Construction equipment
- Concrete floors
- Trucks and busses
- Asphalt spreaders
- Brick
- Heating pots
- Buckets
- Engine blocks and frames
- Wood
- Stone
- Paddles, brooms and shovels
- Road construction machinery
- Transmissions
Cuts Through:
- Grease
- Pitch
- Asphalt
- Tar
- Oil
- Roofing compounds
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
What is Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell?
Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell combines d-Limonene and adheres to vertical and irregular surfaces to remove the most stubborn deposits so they can be flushed away with water quickly and easily.
How do I use Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell?
How to Use Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell Spray:
- Spray, mop or brush product onto the area to be cleaned.
- Allow to penetrate for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Flush away loosened deposits with a pressure spray of water.
- Scrubbing with a stiff brush will speed removal of heavy accumulations.
- Rinse sprayers or other application equipment immediately after use.
- On plastics, test this product in an inconspicuous area before use.
How to use Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell Aerosol:
- Spray evenly on surface, then rinse off after a few minutes.
- Repeat if necessary.
What forms is Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover available in?
Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover is available in an aerosol and also in a spray. The aerosol sprays like a liquid and sets up like a gel. The spray has a clinging formula which means no waste from run-off.
What is the main ingredient in Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell?
Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell contains 70% d-Limonene to remove tough grease and oil.
What are the benefits of using Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell?
Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell clings to vertical surfaces meaning no run-off, easily flushes off with hot or cold water, and deodorizes as it cleans.
What does Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell clean?
Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell cuts through:
- Grease
- Pitch
- Asphalt
- Tar
- Oil
- Roofing compounds
What can Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell be used on?
Orange Tar & Asphalt Remover Jell can be used on:
- Roofing tools and forms
- Masonry
- Construction equipment
- Concrete floors
- Trucks and busses
- Asphalt spreaders
- Brick
- Heating pots
- Buckets
- Engine blocks and frames
- Wood
- Stone
- Paddles, brooms and shovels
- Road construction machinery
- Transmissions